Guess who?

Discord communication is no longer available.Icon by NebulaNovia

:) - pride, mischief, content with something I've done
:') - life is agony, i am accepting what has happened but i am upset, i feel like a fool
=) - rare, causing problems, not doin to hot but ignoring it but still wanna let people know to stay a bit distant
:/ - unimpressed, disappointed but not surprised, neutral leaning bad
:( - sad, lil upset
>:/ - annoyed, sometimes playful response to teasing
>:) - oh boy, i did something, im excited, is this good or bad who knows??
>:( - rage but not super serious, im somewhat upset, mostly used when i come across an overused joke/teasing directed at me
:3 - rare, ironic, im 100% messing with ya
:0/:o - also rare, surprise, interest, impressed at others
~^^ - very passive, signifies what i typed is gentle or "lowkey", pointing to or adding to above
;;/;v; - what im saying is with reluctance, if i didn't have to say it i wouldn't
~,,,, - i don't wanna use a period as that's hostile but i want separation
- - more abrubt separation, sometimes inturupting myself rather than finishing a thought
^^ the two are kinda interchangeable
? - genuine question, not too confused but still feel the need to ask
??+ - kinda confused, asking about something i thought was obvious, the more there are the more concerned i am
! - genuine excitement, energetic
[space] ! - lower energy but still enough to not want to be seen as rude, added simply for politeness
!+ [before text] - so full of energy or excitement that i had to get that across before even talking
~Aha - more of a sigh, quick nervous laugh
Ahahahahha - very nervous laughter, not really too confident in what im saying at all, embarrassment
Ah/Ahh+ - disappointed sigh, understanding but not thrilled, indifferent but understood
Ah!/Ah ! - im alert, just now understanding, can be appreciative
Heh - short mischievous laugh, similar to :) but vocal
Heheheh+ - i did something and I'm having fun with it, im scheming probably good-ish things, similar to >:) but vocal
ahsfgasdfavs - i feel an emotion, im not sure what one but i do, entirely depends on context
correct grammar and periods - I am upset or too tired to not be anything but direct, even if i am mad this is my solution to remaining as pleasant as possible, i cant deal with any bs at the moment and not care about how things are being interpreted, wanna get my point across directly~tone indicators i do and will use - /j, /rh, /hj, /srs, /s
^^ only used if i feel its necessary or that im being too ambiguous, if im going too far, if i don't really want the conversation to derail into my meaning

[5/6/23] - Removed someone who hadn't actually broken any TOS rules.
[5/30/24] - Updated wording in Blacklist explanations.

Put simply, my blacklist is for users who have broken my rules, pissed me off, and have generally also blacklisted me.

LOVOID/DEADMANSARCADE/STARBYT/ ETC.Harassing me about my ocs and continuously pestering me about being active or rejoining the optional discord server for his (former) CS, being a fucking hypocrite, talking shit about me in private chats before I joined a chat to talk shit about him (get what you give), threatening me in private chats, refusing to discuss issues he had with me back when I was happy to talk things over, bad business practice overall, ganging people up against me, being a dick about doing his job as a species co-owner, treating me nicely out of a desperate hope I'd give him my money, breaking my simple TOS and continuing to do so, block evading in order to insult and make me look bad in front of a client, going through another blacklisted user to try and get one of my designs after being blacklisted for months and further yet claiming that he asked bc he would be turned away??? See causing problems on purpose...Need I say more, because believe it or not there is. Overall, not worth the energy to be around anyway- so many people have issues with you get the hint!

EEVEEANDOCS/BONXII/ALTERIC/KEEBLEYeah you fell off. You’re very talented, and maybe if you could separate your work life and love life you'd have a better time :/ Wish you'd have just BL me sooner and saved me the trouble of figuring out your bonudries. Hiding communal designs and claiming you’d “forgotten” where you’d sent them was a low move even for you. You couldn’t muster the respect to ask despite all your hypocritical demands of the exact same privilege??? Also I truly love how you choose to ignore literaly hundreds of dollars of non-mythic commissions and customs I've gotten from you in order to support your twisted claims of conditional patronage. I can only hope your followers realize their support means nothing to you once you've made up your mind to ignore it. Finally, please learn to fucking read!! Maybe if you did you'd know better than to ask, as a blacklisted user, for my designs to go to other blacklisted users!!!!! Have some fucking dignity- it’s pathetic.

This list is for people who have (mostly) one sided issues with me. These people I would work with again given they abruptly change their minds about hating me one day.

NOITALUITA/CARNIVALCOURT/JESTEADespite breaking my TOS like 3 times I literally have no personal issues with you. You put in the effort to fix your mistakes and you seemed fine with me until you suddenly weren’t. I get it though, ik how much you like to bandwagon. Hmu if you wanna talk out ur issues and work together again, miss u XOXOYour ability to throw kindness in somebody’s face is fascinating. My gifting to you of two designs I had on TBD with you: reciprocated by taking that generosity and breaking the only, and first, TBD I ever asked for- but um, pop off ig??

Breaking any of these rules will in the very least lead to a strike and/or warning. If you bug me enough I'll blacklist you.

ART/DESIGN TOS:A.1) You may edit my art!! There is no need to ask to make marking, color, simple species changes+, and layout changes!
A.2) Please do not reupload images with edits if changes are super dramatic, instead upload the edited piece as a new image.
A.3) Do not delete any original images. I do not mind if you hide them, but do not delete any of my original pieces without explicit permission. Beling blacklisted is explicit permission.
A.4) Designs made for community use or mascot purpose may not be gifted to one specific user. If no longer needed they may be returned to myself or voided unless given explicit permission to do otherwise.
A.5) Do not split up alternate versions (human, furry, CS, pony ect.) of my designs without explicit permission! They may be split between two friends temporarily, but if one wants to sell then the other must part with their half to the same buyer.

BUSINESS TOS:B.1) You may not trade characters on a TBD with me to anybody but myself except with explicit permission!
B.2) My art and designs will only add value up to the value listed on my commission forms at the time the piece was created, including trades or gifts. If received at a discount you may choose to value at market or paid value.+
B.2.5) You do not need to add value to my work, and if you receive a piece with no value I can appraise it for you to the best of my abilities!
B.3) You must make me aware if a trade we are doing is part of a 3 way, or on behalf of somebody else, before I agree to or consider your offer. This will result in an immediate blacklist if the trade is completed before I am told.
B.4) You may not trade my designs (this includes any design that has a version listed under my name and is not limited to alternate versions, or major redesigns) to anybody who has been blacklisted. Even if I am removed from the credit, I will still hold you accountable.

BLACKLIST RESTRICTIONS:B.5) A blacklisted user may not receive any of my designs in any way, whether that be second hand or from myself! Getting rid of previously acquired designs is not requested but is encouraged if there are any left to begin with.
B.6) A blacklisted user is not permitted to use my art publicly (profile pictures, focal images, character avatars, etc.) and is encouraged to delete art credited to me from their character's profiles.
B.6.5) A greylisted user is not requested to to cease use of my art publicly, but is encouraged to refrain from doing so with all art but reference images. They are not permitted to delete my art and may be promoted to a blacklist status if done without explicit permission.
B.7) If a user is blacklisted or greylisted during an ongoing TBD I will continue to uphold it. I won't want their work in exchange but would be willing to work out another solution if a desire to part with the character arises.

+Disregard if any species TOS contradicts my TOS. Follow all species rules before my own.

Archive of former commission prices for DIY appraisal!

TypeQualityPrice 19Price 20Price 21Price 22Price 23
FullbodyLined + Colored550 pts$25$35$30$60
''Sketch + Colored200 pts$15$25$20$40
''Sketch100 pts$5$15--
ChibiLined + Colored50 pts$10$20$20$40
''Sketch + Colored-$8$15$15$30
BustLined + Colored275 pts$15$25$15$30
''Sketch + Colored100 pts$5$15$10$20
''Sketch50 pts$2$5--
SpeciesRarityPrice 19Price 20Price 21Price 22Price 23

Here is a list of all users who have broken my rules (to my knowledge) and which rules they have broken- big or small. Just because someone is listed here it does not mean that they are blacklisted or greylisted from my work! Generally I allow up to five strikes unless we have further issues that are not T.O.S related. This exists so I don’t forget and so that people can crosscheck what blacklisted users have actually done.Up to date as of [5/6/23]

A.4, B.2, B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6
A.3, A.4, B.4, B.5
B.4, B.1